Couponistic | where shoppers succeed



How many popular Stores are offering their Coupons here?

By a Quick View to you will reveal many stores Coupons with best discount deals, some of the most common popular Stores that are offering their coupons at are ADIDAS, CUPSHE, SNAP POWER, MACY, ROSE GAL, WALMAT, FOREVER21, ROTITA, FAIRY SEASON, SEARS, NEW CHIC and Many more. you can easily find everything here whatever you want to shop!


Trouble in Using Coupon codes and Promo codes?

Check first to see if your order went through. Make sure that your purchase isn't violating any terms in the Fine Print of the deal (e.g. Limit 1 per person). Verify your shipping address if purchasing a Couponistic Goods item. If our system won't accept your address, try using a neighbor's or a work address. Kindly read the expiry date of coupons first before availing them because if you are choosing the expired Coupons it wouldn’t Work on your purchase.


How to Save Money by Promo codes and Coupon codes?

Promo code and Coupon Codes is an online coupon that can be used to get a discount or deal at a retailer's website. Depending on the retailer, promo codes and Coupon Codes may be called a number of different things including discount code, gift code, voucher code, or promotion code. No matter what the name, all of these codes provide a discount, promotion or benefit of some sort, to the shopper. Get read the deals of your chosen stores and avail the best that are Suiting to your desires by clicking the Button.


How do I use Coupon Codes and Promo codes?

First choose your items then Grab the Coupons from our sites after then Click the reveal code button at the left, we will automatically copy the code and when your check out on the store’ s website we will paste the codes in the promo or coupon code field. That is the process of using your Coupon codes or Promo codes.


How can I Avail the discounts on the Coupons that are Without Codes?

If you see an offer without a coupon code, this offer does not require a code to avail the discount. This could be a click-to-active offer, free shipping or sale notification. 
To use these offers: 
Click the RED "Get Deal" button next to the offer details. You will be directed to a new window displaying the details of the offer then Click the RED "Go to Website" link to be directed to the site. If the offer is a sale, discount will already be factored into the listed product price. If the offer is a click-to-activate offer you will see the discount in your cart at checkout once the qualifications of the offer are met.


When will I see my Coupon after submission?

It will take an hour because lot of people submit their coupons on daily basis, most of the coupons are passed quick while some take some time in verification.


How do I change my Coupons?

If you want to change your coupon then just email us with all details, we will happily change it, but you should email us with 15 minutes after selecting your coupon, if it would verified by us then it may hardly change.


How do I vote on Coupons?

The best way to increase our efficiency we need your reviews in form of whether you likes or dislikes our Coupons, you will find a thumbs up or thumbs down button at the bottom of left on the very coupon. If the coupon worked, let us know with clicking to thumbs up. And then make sure to share what you bought and how much you saved. If the offer didn’t work, please use the thumbs down to inform us. When you vote, you are helping fellow savers find our best offers even faster while also ensuring the coupons that do not work drop off the page entirely.  We monitor these votes and will take action on those with repeat negative votes.


I received a coupon via email, but it's not on the site. What happened?

Yeah sometimes its happen generally it happens when the coupons wasn’t valid because of its expiry date and our staff removed it from the list of coupons, don’t get upset it is rare.


What is Average Savings?

Average saving is generally the saving of money that you save by using coupons as compare to its original Cost.


What are Unique Coupon codes?

Unique codes are codes that are generated for a one time use.  They may be delivered by email or shown to you instantly when you click on the link.  There are usually a limited number of codes for these offers and may run out.  If you find this happens please let us know so we can remove the offer.


What is Phishing Attempts?

Please be aware of possible phishing attempts while online shopping. Phishing is an attempt to acquire your personal information by someone pretending to represent a website or company you trust online. These people will go through great lengths to hijack your account or steal your personal information.  They may even create fake websites that look real or send official looking but fake emails asking for personal information. will never ask for your credit card details in an email or over the phone.  If you are unsure about a link in an email, you can always hover over the link to see where it goes (you will see the real linked web address at the bottom of most browsers). Be safe and smart while you are on shopping.


How do Cash Back Offers works?

All you have to do is click the offer link to activate the Cash Back Offer.  You will then need to go directly to the retailer's site to make your purchase. Your status will then move from "Activated" to "Pending" and we will process your cash back, this takes between 15 and 30 business days.  You will then receive an email from PayPal letting you know your money is waiting for you. Your status will then go from Pending to Paid. If your purchase does not meet the offer requirements, we will mark the status as Ineligible. Cash Back Promotion Terms

Couponistic is just a playing a keys role like middle man in between of you and Official stores. Couponistic just provides coupons of Cash back to you. By using your coupons you can have cash back from the official store from where you are having shopping. For more information about cash back you can check the terms and policies of that official store where you are shopping. Thanks.

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